Me at the DAI Festival

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For a month I’ve been preparing for this day.
Starting this month I got such a busy schedule that my whole priorities got messed up!

I was torn between having some time to create new designs and painting them, organizing my business, being present at social media daily, and having little time for myself. Not to mention emergencies and events that occur from time to time. Honestly, November was one hell of a busy month for me!

I know I was absent for a long time but I’ll try to stick to my original plan which was to post weekly blog post. I don’t think my circumstances will be as bad as this month yet I’ll plan everything and stick to my schedule.

Back to the festival …

The festival was organized by DAI (Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah ) and it took place on November 25th. I wasn’t fully prepared for it but I showed up with all the work I could get on my table. In my next blog post I’ll explain to you why I had such a short time to prepare for this, though.


Anyway, but since I already registered and reserved my own table it would’ve been professional of me not to show up, right? Within 4-5 days I finally got to finish printing  and preparing my work. Usually I spend more time designing, printing, and thinking about displaying my products and setting up my table but yesterday I didn’t have enough time to do so.  Last time I joined an exhibition was 3 years ago and things changed since then. Especially that it’s my first time joining other artists who share the same profession as I do. So my expectations on who’ll attend and what they’ll display were high. And that alone made me extremely nervous. But then again, I was able to get everything done on time and had a great time there.



The event went from 2pm until – 9pm and I stayed from 12pm – 8 pm. I was expecting an official event start and TV recording and such but there weren’t any. To me it made me feel less nervous and I ended up enjoying my time instead of thinking about being too professional for the camera, lol.

The weather in Kuwait is starting to get cold, so I had to wear closed-toe heels and knitted jacket. They kept me warm enough until the time I left.


What I displayed were some hand-paintings, digital canvases and wall art, mugs, coasters, and some stationery items. The variation was there but I didn’t follow a specific theme which perhaps looks confusing enough for people not to know what those products represent. That made me think of printing new designs these days and storing them until an event comes up so there’ll be enough time for me to think about the theme, display and such.

All in all I always learn new things whenever I attend on participate at any event. You get to meet new people and socialize with them. And to be honest I overcame the fear of talking to people especially those who are older than I am. It’s an amazing thing to get complimented for your work, collaborate with others and showing the world your skills. There’s no point in sitting at home waiting for opportunities. Seek them for them to find you.

Snapchat: Artistakw

Instagram: Anwaar.saleh